Chris & Shelley
Here is some updated pictures of Rudder, I weighed him 2 weeks ago and he was 66 pounds he is a big boy already. He is doing very well, he is a very hyper dog but very well behaved. Rudder is also very good with children, he listens very good unless he has something and he doesn’t want to give it to you( he is just a pup very playful). He is in obedience classes now and doing great the instructor says he is very smart. He knows a lot of tricks, sit, lie down, crawl( he will crawl along the floor) sit pretty, shake both paws when asked, he gives high five, when you tell him to leave it he will walk over any kind of treat until told he can have it, he also knows how to stay oh yeah he can speak too, we are working on playing dead right now. Okay that is enough of bragging about my wonderful dog. I hope you are doing well.
Thank You
Chris & Shelley
Thank You
Chris & Shelley