Lee Cureton
Hi Paula,
It’s been awhile since I have visited your website to view pictures or notes from owners. So, I did the other night and thought I should take some pictures of Tucker & send to you. I don’t know if you remember me or not but when I initially contacted you in early 2008 I told you I had my Chesapeake – Sawyer (age 12) put down in May 2007. You had a litter ready for pick up around Easter 2008 but they were all spoken for and you put me on the waiting list. Several weeks later I got the call that a family was not going to be able to take the dog they had paid a deposit on because of a family situation that had come up.
So, on Good Friday I travelled all the way from Chattanooga, TN & met my new sidekick “Tucker”. He whined all the way back home and I thought “Oh boy, this is going to be fun, it’s been A LONG time since I have endured puppy stage”. Unlike Sawyer, he learned his name within a week or two Sawyer..it was months!! Unlike Sawyer, he didn’t quiet catch on to the potty training it was almost a full year and I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen we got closer to the door and closer to the door & we finally made it outside. Other than that, he was the most lovable, laid back puppy I have ever raised not a digger, not a chewer, definitely a lover. He lacks that total “aggressive” characteristic trait seen in a lot of chessies (particularly Sawyer). Believe me when a stranger comes up to the house, he lets them know he means business, but once they are inside and Mom is talking to them, he’s quickly bringing them a toy to show his acceptance.
I left my corporate job in April ’07 to start my own catering business. My commercial kitchen is on my property. I really don’t know if he would make it if I ever went back to a 8-5 corporate job he is my sidekick always within 5 steps of me. On days when I shower and head to the kitchen early morning. She gets mopey as I get out of the shower. He stands up on the window ledge & it looks like a person is watching for you to come home. He is the most loving, sweet natured dog I have ever had. If I am sitting, he is in my lap all 75 pounds!! If I skip a morning run you can be guaranteed he is going to go to his leash and “nose it” prominently so that I get the hint. I often tell him we are going to get a baby brother or sister but he gives me an evil look. Although he does socialize & play well with other dogs when I keep them for friends, I think he is set on being an only child. He has brought me so much joy. I know the hunters will shake their heads when they see the pictures in the house and not involving ducks but he would be a great hunting dog he did fantastic at obedience school. I would really love to take the time for us to become certified in Pet Therapy but my career just doesn’t allow that freedom right now hopefully one day.
And, maybe one day I’ll talk him into being a big brother!!!
Thanks so much for a terrific Chessie Abbie & Titan should be proud, he was “pick of their litter” in my opinion!!!
Culinary Creations Catering